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Timberline Adventures Invited to Sit on Bicycle Panel at Mountain Tourism Conference Previous item Timberline Adventures’... Next item Another Former Park Ranger...

Timberline Adventures Invited to Sit on Bicycle Panel at Mountain Tourism Conference

Denver, CO (January 12, 2015) Timberline Adventures’ Co-Owner David Harris has been invited to sit on a panel of experts on bicycle touring at a conference on mountain tourism to be held at the end of this month in Denver. Harris was selected because of Timberline Adventures’ ( reputation of excellence in bicycle touring in the intermountain west.

The conference is known as the ASSEMBLY, and is a collaboration of North American mountain resorts, associations and public sector organizations, with common interests in both winter and broader year-round mountain tourism.

The ASSEMBLY brings together stakeholders in mountain travel, for a day focused on planning for the future. The ASSEMBLY is held in conjunction with the SnowSports Industries America (SIA) annual Snow Show at the Colorado Convention Center, the premier event for industry leaders and stakeholders.

Harris will be on a panel called “Bicycle Tourism: A Summer Alternative to Winter’s Skiing?” The panel will discuss the opportunities and challenges of making bicycle tourism a summer complement to skiing.  The panel will speak to cycling trends, the elements of a good cycling destination, and the profile of a typical bicycle tourist. Panelists will also provide insight on current initiatives from communities that are actively encouraging bicycle tourism.

Other panelists include Dan Grunig, Executive Director of Bicycle Colorado, Tyler Goodman, Executive Director of Steamboat Bike Town USA, and Yuri Kostick, Mayor of the Town of Eagle.

Timberline Adventures has been creating exceptional active travel experiences for 32 years and was recently recognized with the National Geographic 50 Tours of a Lifetime Award.

For itineraries, details, and reservations call 800-417-2453 or 303-664-8388, email or visit: