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Chelsea grew up in upstate New York and moved to Colorado in 2007 after completing her degree in Communication Studies at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Coming out west reinforced and expanded her love for nature and outdoor sports including hiking, biking, camping and skiing. She has since dedicated much of her time to adventure travel and exploring nature both domestically and internationally. She and her husband lived, traveled and taught English in Southeast Asia from 2012 to 2015 and have been on many adventures all over the globe.

As Director of Operations for Timberline Adventures Chelsea is responsible for the logistics and planning that make Timberline trips enjoyable and worry-free for guests. She also has guiding experience with the company and has CPR and wilderness first-aid certifications. Chelsea enjoys her roles both behind the scenes and on the front line and looks forward to hearing from guests in the office and seeing them out on the trail!