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Free Online Classes Offered During Quarantine

Cure Your Quarantine Boredom with These Free Online Courses

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By now you’ve streamed every series on Netflix, tried the at home workouts, and perhaps even caved into making banana bread. What more is there to do? Perhaps the time of social distancing is a great opportunity to hone in on some new skills. Whether it’s academic, musical, or a trick of the trade, educational resources have widely expanded due to the current health crisis. Universities and companies around the world are offering free courses available to larger audiences like never before. If you’re yearning to put your time to good use, check out these free online classes to occupy your quarantine season.

Class Central

Class Central is a one stop shop and a great starting point for anybody looking to learn something new. Whether you’re into computer science, literature, women’s studies, or art and design, there’s a course for you. Browse their hundreds of course offerings online and you’ll be sure to stay busy for a while. You can even earn certificates for your hard work! 


You can officially say you went to an Ivy League school! …..well kind of. Yale is offering open courses to a selection of their introductory courses. Learn from distinguished scholars and access top tier educational materials from some of the best. Their offering has expanded more than ever due to stay at home guidelines, so capitalizing now is a great option!


When has there ever been a better time to master a second language? For those of us dreaming of international exploration, the prep work can start now. Download DuoLingo’s app and begin their interactive programs to learn a new language. Consider it an investment into your future travel plans!


Pivoting to a different avenue, Fender is offering 3 months of free online classes to anyone looking to learn guitar, bass, or ukelele. If your strings have been collecting dust, consider this your nudge to tune it up. Imagine how impressed your friends will be when you come out of quarantine a full blown musician.


Head on back to the Ivy League train. Stanford, much like Yale, is extending their free course offering to individuals seeking learning opportunities during this time. There are also options to purchase additional coursework, so if there is something that piques your interest that option is there for you. There’s no better way to feel productive and invest in yourself than to tack on some new skills. 


Last but not least, SkillShare is an online resource offering boatloads of courses ranging pretty much any topic you can think of. From art, to business, to photography, highly skilled instructors from all walks of experiences provide incredible content to get you learning. Full access does require a monthly fee; however, you can use the free trial to glean all its goodness during quarantine.