Rocky Mountain National Park Snowshoe

December 12 - 15, 2024

(4 days, 3 nights; Thu - Sun)

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Family Friendly

Bonus Tour

Double Booking


Single Booking


Roommate Rebate


Includes all lodging, meals, van shuttles, park entrance fees, snowshoe rental, leaders, trail maps and narratives.

Assembly Point

Denver, CO

Timberline van shuttle is included between Denver and Estes Park prior to and following tour.

Not included: Airline service to Denver International Airport; Guide Gratuity.

Meeting Time

Hotel 8:00 am

Drop-off Time

6 pm

“I really appreciate the passion, diligence and expertise brought to my 1st Timberline program and will try to spread the word!” Jill B.

Hike Rocky Mountain National Park in the Winter

Rocky Mountain National Park is one of America’s most popular National Parks, but in the winter time there is a completely different feel. With far fewer visitors and more active wildlife, you can get immersed in a truly wilderness experience. The majestic high peaks are engulfed in snow, the trees sparkle in the sunlight and sounds of animals echo off the distant cliffs as you enjoy a leisurely walk up the valleys and around the frozen lakes.

No experience is necessary on our Rocky Mountain Snowshoe tour, and snowshoes will be provided. Don’t be fooled by the lower mileage as progress is a bit slower than regular hiking and you will surely earn your dinner. Our guides are completely familiar with the Rocky Mountain terrain in winter. They are trained in avalanche awareness and wilderness first aid and will be able to instruct you on the proper techniques of snowshoe use. They will probably even carry the thermos of hot cocoa for you!

Day 1: Estes Park

On Day 1, after the DIA airport pick up, we’ll shuttle to Estes Park, gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park. We’ll try out our snowshoes on the mild Chasm Falls Trail to a destination of a surreal frozen waterfall. (5 miles) After our fun in the snow, we will retire to the cozy Silver Moon Inn for hot cocoa and a relaxing dinner.

Day 2: Glacier Gorge Trail to Mills Lake

On Day 2 we will head to the Glacier Gorge Trailhead for a trek to Mills Lake and beyond. The beauty of winter hikes in the area is that off-trail routes forbidden in the summer are available to us. With the knowledge of our expert guides, there are many options of loops we can choose. (~8 miles).

Day 3: Bear Lake Trail to Lake Helene

We’ll hike on Day 3 from the Bear Lake Trailhead, wrapping around Bear Lake and ascending towards treeline and the continental divide. Our destination is Lake Helene, where we will likely encounter untracked snow and stunning vistas of the high peaks. (9 miles).

Day 4: Bierstadt Moraine

Day 4, our final day, we’ll choose a lower elevation lake to circumnavigate. After climbing over the Bierstadt Moraine, you’ll encounter a pleasant forest walk before reaching the subalpine Bierstadt Lake where you’ll have stunning panoramic views of the mountains along the Continental Divide. The area is more sheltered and you are likely to see signs of deer, elk, rabbits, beaver and fox, if not the animals themselves. (5 miles). Following a late lunch in Estes Park, we’ll return to Denver for an early evening arrival.

Join us for a hiking or biking vacation this year!

View our snowshoe packing list!


Day 1Van shuttle from DIA to Estes Park - snowshoe lesson to Chasm Falls5
Day 2Glacier Gorge Trailhead - Mills Lake Loop6
Day 3Bear Lake Trailhead - Lake Helene7
Day 4Bierstadt Lake Trailhead - Loop around Bierstadt Lake, lunch in Estes Park, return to Denver4

Total Distance: 22 miles

Inn Highlights

Rocky Mountain National Park Snowshoe

December 12 - 15, 2024

(4 days, 3 nights; Thu - Sun)