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COVID 19 Updated Procedures

The COVID-19 pandemic will remain with us for years to come.  Timberline Adventures will continue to follow procedure to reduce the risk of transmission with this and other diseases. The policies are outlined below.


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and a pandemic. Long term success depends on all sections of society, including businesses and employers, to take certain actions to help stop the spread of this disease.
COVID-19 is spread in three main ways:

• Breathing in air when close to an infected person who is exhaling small droplets and particles that contain the virus.
• Having these small droplets and particles that contain virus land on the eyes, nose, or mouth, especially through splashes and sprays like a cough or sneeze.
• Touching eyes, nose, or mouth with hands that have the virus on them.

Most people with COVID-19 have mild symptoms, but some people can become severely ill, and some people experience post-COVID conditions. Older people and those who have certain underlying medical conditions are more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. Vaccines against COVID-19 are safe and effective.

Timberline Adventure is committed to providing our guests with a safe and enjoyable environment during our hiking and cycling tours.  Our goal is to send you home healthy, happy, less stressed and rejuvenated from your time spent outdoors.  Our general policies for health considerations is as follows:

  • Educate guests pretour, highly recommend getting fully vaccinated before arriving for a tour,  and require that guests do not arrive with any pre-observed symptoms of a virus
  • Keep up to date with CDC and NPS guidelines
  • Encourage vaccinations, with exceptions only for extenuating circumstances
  • Educate our guests in an ongoing manner
  • Continue to enjoy outdoors activities and take our guests to less populated areas
  • Wash hands and use sanitizer often, continue to use masks where requested

Read on for more detailed information on our procedures:

Vaccinations for COVID 19 are now widely available and safe.   We highly recommend you receive the recommended course of COVID 19 vaccines, as well as the seasonal flu and tdap vaccines before participating in a Timberline Adventures tour.  Through this experience, we have found some of our additional procedures to have a benefit for everyone on the tour, and will therefore be keeping them in place as we navigate beyond the pandemic.

Before we assemble for our tours:

We ask our guests to take some precautions to lessen the risks of bringing disease to our tour. If you are exhibiting any symptoms of illness within a couple days before the tour, you must take a COVID 19 test and report the results to the office.  A positive test indicates that you are required to excuse yourself from any tour lasting 10 days or less.  A negative test result means you can participate, while following additional precautions as listed below.  Please do all you can during travel to protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, wearing a mask if requested, and practicing reasonable care to avoid close contact with others.

If you feel ill while on tour:

If an individual is feeling ill, you must notify the tour leaders immediately. DO NOT IGNORE SYMPTOMS AS YOU MAY BE PUTTING THE ENTIRE TOUR AT RISK. You will be asked to separate from the group, and will be asked to obtain a COVID test. If positive, you must excuse yourself from any tour of 10 days or less.  On longer tours, it may be possible to rejoin a tour after 5 days of isolation, with added restrictions, if the guest can arrange any needed transportation.  Guests with symptoms of illness with a negative COVID test may remain on the tour but will be asked to follow additional precautions like distancing yourself, constant use of hand sanitizing and wearing a mask to reduce the risk of passing on whatever illness you have.  Timberline will carry at home COVID tests to administer to anyone with symptoms.

Timberline will attempt to facilitate alternative arrangements for the affected guest, but reponsibility will ultimately be up to the individual, including financial additions.   Guides will have a similar responsibility to isolate if symptoms are detected.

In outdoor areas:
When in the open air, the risk of transmission outdoors is low.  Be respectful of other guests by keeping hands clean, being careful not to distribute bodily fluids through sneezing, coughing, or spitting near anyone, and allowing plenty of personal space.  We will encourage using masks when the business or area requests them.

In indoor areas:
Timberline follow local restrictions at all times. Be respecful of other guests by keeping hands clean, being careful not to distribute bodily fluids and allowing plenty of personal space.

In Vans:
Hand sanitizer is provided in each van and is required each time you enter a company vehicle. Mask use may be required while in the van if requested by a guest.

Food preparation:
We will continue to provide hiking lunches and snacks that are assembled in the morning and kept by each guest for the day. Using hand sanitizer is required while preparing lunch from our buffet.

SAG stops with snack stations for cycling tours will have specific procedures.  Remove tour biking gloves and wash, and/or sanitize hands, using the sanitizer provided, before approaching any of the SAG supplies or filling a water bottle.  At no time will it be ok to put your hand inside a serving container to grab a portion of food – use utensils, or pour out the food. Please walk away from the feed station before you start eating.

The CDC recommendations for prevention of illness can be found here:

The CDC continues to update their recommendations about vaccination::

For traveling in the National Parks, the NPS has issued this update:

By taking small steps, exhibiting awareness, and above all consideration of others, we believe we can provide you a safe, healthy and unforgettable adventure. Questions about these policies should be directed to the office, by phone:  303-664-8388   or email:

We look forward to seeing you on tour and wish you all good health and safety during this time.

Updated January, 2024

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