
COVID 19 Acknowledgement Form C2C

Fill Out Your Online Acknowledgement Here

  • Online Acknowledgement Form of contagious diseases (C2C version)

  • Timberline BH Adventures Acknowledgement of Additional Risk Due to COVID-19


    In consideration of being able to participate in Timberline BH Adventures Coast 2 Coast bicycle tour, I hereby acknowledge that precautions, procedures and expectations have been put in place by Timberline BH Adventures to reduce the risk to all riders from contracting diseases from each other. Additionally, I acknowledge that various strains of coronavirus 19 have been proven to be much more contagious than other known illnesses, and therefore present additional risks, such that, as a guest of Timberline BH Adventures, additional restrictions will be required when exposure to the virus has been detected. These include, but are not limited to the following procedures:

    Pre-tour – We request that all participants receive the recommended course of COVID 19 vaccines, as well as the seasonal flu and tdap vaccines. Unvaccinated riders are required to report this status to the office. Proof of vaccination may be requested by other sources at any time on the tour. During the 2 weeks leading up to the tour, please limit exposure to any potential risks of contracting disease as much as possible. If symptoms of COVID 19 are present before the tour start, you must take a COVID 19 test and report the results to the office. A positive test indicates that you are required to excuse yourself from the start of the tour until 10 days after you tested positive. A negative test result means you can participate in the start of the tour, but will be asked to follow additional precautions like distancing yourself and wearing a mask to reduce the risk of passing on whatever illness you have. Common symptoms of COVID 19 include, but are not limited to: chills or fever over 100 degrees; runny nose; sore throat; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; new loss of taste or smell. Anyone who shows up for the tour with similar symptoms will be asked to isolate until receiving results from a COVID test, then follow the procedures listed below for positive COVID test while on tour.

    During tour symptoms - If any of the common symptoms, as listed above, do emerge during the tour, you must notify the tour leaders immediately. DO NOT IGNORE SYMPTOMS AS YOU MAY BE PUTTING THE ENTIRE TOUR AT RISK. You will be asked to separate from the group, and will be asked to obtain a COVID test. If positive, follow the procedures listed below for positive COVID test while on tour. Riders with symptoms of illness with a negative COVID test may remain on the tour but will be asked to follow additional precautions like distancing yourself, constant use of hand sanitizing and wearing a mask to reduce the risk of passing on whatever illness you have.

    Van use during tour – Hand sanitizer is provided in each van and is required each time you enter a company vehicle. Mask use is required while in the van if anyone in the vehicle requests such.

    Gatherings during tour – Rider meetings and any similar gatherings during the tour will be conducted outside as much as possible. Gatherings in areas with air flow have been shown to have a very low risk. Be respective of other riders by keeping hands clean, being careful not to distribute bodily fluids through sneezing, coughing, or spitting near anyone, and allowing plenty of personal space.

    During SAG stops - Remove tour biking gloves and wash, and/or sanitize hands, using the sanitizer provided, before approaching any of the SAG supplies. You may hand your water bottle to the SAG staff and they will fill it for you. In most instances, the SAG staff will prepare and hand you a snack. You may select pre-packaged snacks yourself, but at no time will it be ok to put your hand inside a serving container to grab a portion of food – use utensils, or pour out the food. Please walk away from the feed station before you start eating.

    Entering businesses – exercise as much caution in businesses as you do around other riders. Remove your gloves and wash and/or sanitize your hands before entering the business, allow plenty of personal space and eat outside whenever possible.

    Meal Times – Wash and sanitize your hands every time you approach the serving table, using the sanitizer provided. Meals during the tour will be taken outside as much as possible, even when using a local restaurant. Please walk away from the serving area before you start eating.

    Testing positive for COVID while on tour – A positive COVID test while on tour means you are highly contagious and must do all you can to avoid infecting other riders. On our 53 day ride, this does not necessarily mean you must leave the tour permanently. The CDC is currently recommending isolation for 5 days after a positive test if you had no symptoms, or your symptoms are improving AND masking for 10 days after your positive test. If you feel well enough to ride, you may continue riding the route, but must stay away from all other riders on the road. At SAG stops you must stay at least 10 feet from everyone AND mask up. You should not enter any businesses and should be masked when you are remotely near other people. Others can collect nourishment for you and bring them to within 10 feet from you.
    If you do not feel well enough to ride, you can be transported to the next location only when a vehicle is available to take only you and the driver, with at least 6 feet of separation between you, with the windows open and both parties masked.
    Overnights during your isolation: Dinners can be delivered to you (within 10 feet), but you must eat separated from all others. You may only enter a bathroom facility if no one else is inside, and you must be masked and wash your hands before and after using the facilities.
    Tenting: The tent crew will set up your tent away from others. Indoor spaces: If possible, a tent will be set up nearby. Other options would be a separate room or hallway not being used by others for your sleeping. You must be masked if it is necessary to pass through a room that others are in, but may remove the mask when alone and sleeping.
    Hotel nights: You must pay for and be in your own room, and be masked while in any other part of the hotel. Please inform the hotel staff that you have tested positive before departing from the hotel.
    If you don’t feel well enough to follow these procedures, then you must leave the tour. Staff can offer assistance for seeking medical attention, but arrangements and financial responsibility will ultimately fall to you. You may rejoin the tour after a minimum of 5 days and when symptoms have improved.
    Remember you must stay masked for 10 days after a positive test, no matter where you are.

  • By signing this, I represent that I am at least 18 years of age, or, that my parent or legal guardian is also signing this document along with me.

    I have read and fully understand the terms of this form. I confirm that I voluntarily agree to the terms of this form and I voluntarily agree to participate in the activities.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • I, as a parent or guardian of the below named minor, hereby give my permission for my child or ward to participate in the program, and further agree individually and on behalf of my child or ward to the terms of the above.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

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